I think it's absurd the amount of whining people make over a video game. I'm no noob myself, I've accomplished quite a lot on here through hard work and dedication, particularly pertaining to skills. First off, making it 5x the experience would be worse than 5x coins because experience in my opinion is generally harder to earn than coins and would still "be unfair for people that worked days/weeks/months/years" for experience.
With that said, this nonsense about Jagex supporting real-world trading is ridiculous. They own RuneScape and the spins, if they want to sell it for real-world money they have every right to. Real-world trading is trading real-life goods/services for virtual goods/services without the owner of the real-life goods/services or virtual goods/services approval. Jagex approves of doing this, so hence it is not real-world trading. Real-world trading is illegal, what Jagex is doing is not. And don't get all technical with me saying "oh well it's still trading something from real-life for something virtual": the matter of legality is the factor that decides, not picking apart words.
You are not forced to buy spins, play the Squeal of Fortune or play RuneScape. If something like this bothers you to the point of quitting, then unfortunately you are overly dramatic. So some level 3 gets 200m in a spin when it took you months, who cares? Stop comparing yourself to other people and play for yourself, not to better everyone else. It's a game, play RuneScape because you like the concept of the game in general (training skills, MMORPG-format, PvP, etc) and talking to friends. If someone wants to drop hundreds of dollars on spins, that's their choice. If they go bankrupt in real-life because they can't stop, that's their problem. Don't stick your nose in other people's business and work to improve yourself at this game.
22-Jun-2012 02:57:23
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22-Jun-2012 03:01:27