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Please, please, please put requirements to these.
Make it to where you have to complete certain quests for that area.
Require you to build them with a high construction level and magic level.
Make it cost thousands of law runes, 20 limestone bricks, and a magic stone plus some special material for each location, such as an elf crystal for Isafdar, to build them.
It makes no sense to just add these to the game like you did with tool belts. Let us use your construction and magic skills to give us an advantage. Let Quests be more rewarding instead of less rewarding by having quest requirements for building them. Please, do not just let these be added just to kill off more content!
If you're going to do that, make it a level requirement, not a material/fiscal drain. That's not necessary.
It NEEDS to be both. Are you not realising how op these things are? They should be a luxury earned not given. Having material requirements to build it makes sense. The only thing you could scratch would be the magic stone (that was a bit excessive.) What are you going to build it out of, dirt? That extra ingredient also requires certain quests to be completed. I.E. requiring some mushrooms from Mort Myre swamp, that you can only get after the Nature Spirit quest, to build the loadstone.
21-Jun-2013 19:11:05