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I don't like how they're avoiding/not touching on the question of whether or not bonus xp can be used on the skill upon release...
I sincerely hope that in this post-SoF world they can at least keep the integrity of leveling in a legitimate and competitive manner for the first few weeks, as they did with all the other skills before it.
*Opens wallet* yep! Ready to train up! I'm kidding...Jagex really needs to set limits or caps on bonus xp for this new skill. All they simply need to do is disable any bonus xp for this new skill for at least a few weeks. Give players a fair and starting chance, to be able to learn and enjoy the skill before getting half of it done from sof.
Then again, Jagex probably anticipated this for a long time and shouldn't be a surprise. Imagine how many people will buy spins to be the first 99 or even first ones allll the way to 200m. Yeah, good luck trying to compete fairly with this new skill. The integrity of skills went out the window with sof, along with a few other things for Jagex.
I wonder.... was divination made for the spins?
20-Aug-2013 02:39:12