I find the high prices very entertaining. The fact that they decided to value runecoins over loyalty says something...
I mean, come on. 130,500 points for a bank booster that costs 378 runecoins. If paying for the monthly basis (1-month at a time), that takes around 8 months at 15K/month. I'm assuming Jagex based this system on their current membership price at $7.95. Well they are going to raise the monthly payout with this update, but a bit less time is still sooo much.
A bank booster is worth more than $60 in membership subscription.
Now let's calculate runecoins. The 420 Runecoin package is $10. I'll just stop the calculations right there to show how unfair that is.
A bank booster is worth less than $10 in Runecoins.
Did I miss something... or are Runecoins worth FIVE to SIX TIMES more than loyalty points??
Come on, put your thinking caps on.
Severe changes would need to be implemented to have the slightest chance to work.
Please, I beg of you, slash the loyalty prices by a significant amount.
27-Aug-2013 20:25:51
- Last edited on
27-Aug-2013 20:35:17
I'm highly looking forward to the merge of Solomon's General Store and the Members Loyalty Programme!
As others have said, the prices shown in the video are a bit shocking, but hopefully the points adjustment will even things out and be more fair after the update is released.
It's nice that members who can't afford some items using extra cash for Soloman's may be able to buy what they desire now from being a loyal ''Scaper.''
.......... IN THE VIDEO AT SPECIFICALLY 0:49 -0:53 "In the new store, well over half of the items can be bought with loyalty points......" Soooooo, Jagex... is 16 items out of like 270 items "WELL OVER HALF"... AND I CAN'T EVEN RECEIVE MY FUGGIN CROWN!!! I have been paying for 3 years... not for this crap btw.. all I can say with my proof... is well played jagex.. well played..
Nabu Rimanni
There is only one item I'm interested in that hasn't been available with loyalty points, and that's the bank booster.
50 more bank slots for 130,500 loyalty points.
That it costs so much is quite a disappointment.
I have only 72,875 and I haven't used any loyalty points for a long time.
It seems the 130,500 loyalty points shown on the video for 50 bank slots wasn't enough. The actual price as it appears today in the new general store is 208,800 loyalty points. Apparently, loyalty isn't worth as much as it used to be.
I now need 120,000 more loyalty points to buy a bank booster.