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^That's a whole lot of assuming there.... "Get Vorago himself as a pet," which of course you don't, you get a tiny version of him, and "Previous strongest pet, TzRek-Jad," implying you think that the new SoF pet is stronger? No, who the heck thinks or would think that the Vorago Shard is stronger than a summoning pet? Firstly, pets can't attack, so how could he be stronger, and secondly, Everyone will be able to see the difference between the shard and a regular summoning creature, and they will know that they just bought it from the store, whether it was just to support Jagex (some people do that you know), or to get a cool looking pet. If people know the difference between SGS pets and game-obtained pets, they will know that a cb level 190 dude with a Tzrek-Jad is much more accomplished than some "Level 4 with his parent's credit card." And for your information, there are level 4 skillers that have been playing for years and don't want to train summoning
Yeah I've played 8 years now and been a member in/owned multiple skilling clans, I think I know about level
4 pures at this point. I'll be blunt and say I don't think you know the least bit about PvM and how highly regarded the pet was as a vanity item before this SGS update and I don't think I can relate it to you either. They absolutely diminished its value, many people that I Vorago with now have less interest in getting the pet from Vorago because it looks too similar to the SGS pet and the vast majority of the playerbase hasn't seen a Vitalis to be able to tell them apart.
There were dozens of ways to profit off of Vorago's launch and for some reason they picked one that greatly devalued the most difficult to obtain item from Vorago. I don't mind supporting Jagex, I just don't like having to diminish significant achievements in this game to do so.
09-Jul-2013 20:33:42