I only have a few issues with the NIS:
1) The chat should be see through as it is in the live game otherwise you're simply removing that much visibility of the game screen.
2) There should be at least an option to keep the chat box as it is in the live game with all chat forms across the bottom and if you want any one specific form focused on, you click it or you could also just set everything else to off.
3) You have a "classic" option for auto set-up in terms of screen set-up, but that's only for fixed screen. I play on a 1366x768 resolution 32" tv at max screen full hd so having a "classic" option to meet this would be brilliant (especially with the #1 and #2 also being edited).
Basically I believe there should be some way to keep these interfaces more or less as they currently are in the live game if you so choose. Some things are cool and can still be accessible, but otherwise I personally don't have a need for half of the interface bars/boxes and truly wish the above would be implemented. Collapsing the chat box completely as someone mentioned before me, etc. Improving the graphics with draw distance etc is great, but the interface in the live game is just fine for me.
31-May-2013 17:09:48
- Last edited on
31-May-2013 17:15:43