@ Hell Rated and Spirit of RS
I applaude all those that help in the fight against bots, and I was not address my remake to the likes of you.
I still feel, from ready 92 pages, that the majority here are bitching about bots the direct effect bots have on thier game personally.
So many people posting are so fixated on bots that they seem to be assuming that that the nearly 200mil is the number of current of accounts, of which yes there are a fair few bots, and not reading things properly. The news post says "200 millionth RuneScape account being created". It does not say there are currently 200mil players.
I consider that, despite the bots, this is a great accomplishment.
If Runescape wasn't such a great game, people wouldn't play, people wouldn't want to pay real money to real world trade sites to get ahead, there would be no need of bots. In some ways the number of bots in the game shows the popularity of the game and that is one of the accomplishments.
Keep up the fight.
14-Jun-2012 03:21:47