Jagex, face it - none of us including you guys KNOW what percent of 200M accts are bots.... but your CUSTOMERS, meaning the players and especially those posting here who are assuredly not bots, THINK ITS A HUGE PERCENT....
please stop this ridiculous posturing now and gain back some respect from some of us who actually play, PLEASE
and while you're at it, please do some things to make the everyday things better in this game.... like NOT requiring me to type both my ID and ******** every time - I doubt that 1% of the websites out there do that, or at least make it MY choice, remember that its ME who are your customer... not YOU
fix the lagging
fix the unable to connect nonsense - how can it be that I can connect and get updates downloaded and then click to login and get denied....
yes we like nice grapical updates, yes the new combat sounds interesting (all I can say so far), yes we want new quests, minigames etc
but the stuff that makes playing a chore should be getting priority
NOT worrying about getting 200M accounts when you, me and Aunt Sadie all know that a large part of them must be bots
just look at ALL these posts from YOUR CUSTOMERS and the players who are actually playing the game....
13-Jun-2012 04:14:14