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Yes !!! So excited!
1. Will we get to zoom in and out to where we can see the sky, our character,and the ground?
2.Will we get to jump and actually climb stuff like in normal mmos?
3.Wiil we get to customize our characters with more hair styles, clothes, eye color, and height?
1/ Yes
2/ 100x NO!
3/ Wish but no.
I'm most excited for the lore and sixth-age aspect of RS3, hopefully things like the western side of the map and the black knight titan will have had a graphical update
A player that plays RS? A player at lvl 3? 30? 70?
There are quests and requirments limiting players to new areas. Loadstones were given to all levels, why not just for the first 100-200 total + 10-20 cb lvls?
There should be more ways for items to exit the game, like law runes.
I like the idea of new areas where you are never safe but gain access to many resources for high lvl players.
Do we have a minimum hardware list for it? I know we need Chrome (for now), but, knowing what hardware is needed would be nice. Why? Well I am on a netbook right now and OSRS plays fairly well, but, EOC crawls along at 1-3 FPS. My main laptop does play EOC fairly well, but, it does lag now and then and I would like to know if I need to do serious upgrading (or a new machine).
Players find a large amount of missed bugs in the game, so opening it up to a small amount at first makes sure that only a small amount of players may find the big bugs, then they add many more players when the larger bugs get fixed to help find the smaller bugs.
It would be overwhelming to have so many access it at first with too many unknowns to discover.