I saw the BTS.. I nerded all over the floor.
While the majority of this update seems INCREDIBLE, there are one or two issues I can think of.
The first of these is the size of the current game. The screenshots of the larger draw distance make world seem a lot smaller - you can easily see from one side of Burthorpe to the other. While this would obviously be a big step-up in the game, I feel the world needs expanding considerably. Southern Asgarnia is one particular example, where far too much stuff has been crowded into one area - the clan camp and white knight camp make the area a lot less forest like. The recent alteration to the run system has also meant that it takes less time to travel from place to place on foot.
Secondly is the requirements. While the bestiary runs on Chrome, not the client mentioned in this news post, it lags a hell of a lot for me. I currently experience RuneScape at at least 35 fps wherever I go; up to 50 in less populated areas. I don't want that to change, or have to reduce my graphics settings.
Other than those issues however, this looks like one of the best updates RuneScape has had in a long time.
I'm just a man; I'm not a hero.
Just a boy who had to sing this song.
29-Mar-2013 17:35:31