Why can't we get things like this through our loyalty points? Is our loyalty not enough for you guys at Jagex Studios? My membership is paid up until April 2014; I have no real reason to continue to purchase membership cards, even if the purpose is to obtain stupid little cosmetic items like this.
When you guys released the loyalty program, I thought it would be a real reason to continuously renew my membership further, but now the loyalty program has basically been abandoned. Then you guys released the membership packages (Bronze/silver/gold) and I immediatley purchased the gold membership for a few reasons:
1. Gold membership 1yr was $25 less than buying the cards every month + cost of gas to get to the store to buy the cards.
2. There was a mention of the gold package offering first dibs at beta testing/promotional items.
3. I loved playing runescape at the time...
So basically ALL of those reasons for me buying the gold package have just been thrown back in my face. Thanks for that. If it was not for us paying members, there would only be a FREE game, but whatever, I guess our loyalty means nothing to you, seeing as you already have our cash in your pockets...
So true... The only thing they keep releasing in the loyalty shop are those lame aura's wich you need to wait way to long to finally buy them.
Also the loyalty shop was before SoF and SGS but they get a forum suggestion section and the LS gets nothing... well maybe a ticket to the trash bin cuz jagex noticed the "coding" was too hard to make stuff but the SoF and SGS got way bether coding so they can keep releasing every week another (promo) item...
Yea sure Jagex nice story to tell to the Loyal P2P that coding is too hard and let them wait another 6 months.
;;;;;;::..¨°*¤•›,¸Gold Member¸,‹•¤*°¨..::;;;;;;
7th Year of Gold Premier Membership
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019