
Old School RuneScape Anyone?

Quick find code: 294-295-158-64458191



Posts: 522 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think it's too risky to implement rare items right from the start. We don't know how many players will be playing on the old 2007 server, so it's impossible to know how many to add to the game.

It's all about supply and demand. If there's too many party hats/Christmas crackers/Santa's/H'ween masks or even disks of returning and such compared to the player-base they won't be all that expensive. If there's too few they'll become worth even more than they were back in 2007.

Wait a few months until you have an estimated figure on how many people there are actually playing and then add the same amount of percentage to the game as in 2007. That way they'll be worth about the same as back then.

Or don't implement them at all, though it's nice to have some valued items that are hard to get a hold of. ^_^

14-Feb-2013 16:01:42

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 841 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think we deserve level 3-4 already. Have you ever seen so much support for an update before? Nearly 10k comments in just one day, over ten thousands likes on your fb page in one day, so many tweets in just one day. This is an update you should be going all the way throughfor no matter what for your players. Seems like all they care about is money though :/

14-Feb-2013 16:01:46



Posts: 202 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Look, I don't have a super cool name or any of that stuff.

But I've started a 2007 Oldschool fc so everyone can hangout and discuss their opinions on the Server.

Friends chat: Like a Bosh

I'm also promoting people to prevent spam in the FC

14-Feb-2013 16:02:00



Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

14-Feb-2013 15:59:12 Profile Highlight
Every new account made on runescape now gets a free 14 days trial membership.

But wait! you cannot vote with trial accounts.

But wait again! how much it costs to buy membership on trial accounts???


Make a new trial membership account, buy member for 1.98$ , vote and repeat.

If the whole community does this for 7 time, we will get 750k votes easily.

Please share this everywhere so we can reach our goal and unlock f2p on these servers.


You don't like 07 servers? don't play on it. Least you could do is vote so we can reach the free fee, that is the only logical answer. Yes i know most of you don't actually think rationally.

If you don't like 2007 servers then you have your 2013 servers to play on. Why are you even on this thread expressing your opinion if you prefer EoC over the glory days of runescape. The days with no overpowered weapons, potions, prayers, etc. The days of a ACTUAL COMMUNITY. The days were trading was useful, with no grandexchange. The REAL merchanting days. "

Bump! Awesome idea' i agree with you :)

14-Feb-2013 16:02:13

Elven Fyre

Elven Fyre

Posts: 11,784 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Things in rs07:


Barb assault - Fighter torso/Granite body
Barrows - All 5 Basic sets - Karil/Ahrim/Torag/Dharok/Verac
Castle Wars
Gnome Resturant - Gnome Goggles/Scarf/grand seed pod
Pest control - Void Gear
Pyramid Plunder - Thv exp/pharaohs sceptre
Shades of Mortton
Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup?
Trouble Brewing
Tzhaar Fight cave - fire cape


Champions Challenge
Tears of Guthix
Treasure Trails


Karamja tasks


NOI - Nothing of interest

Animal Magnetism
- Ava's Accumulator/Attractor

Another slice of H.A.M
- Goblin Teleport Spheres/Ancient Mace

A tail of 2 cats
- Mouse Toy/Catspeak Amulet (e)

A Soul's Bane
- NOI.

Between a Rock...
- Rune Pick/ Gold mining spot with nearby Bank

Big Chompy Bird Hunting
- Ogre bow/arrows/hats

- King Lathas training Spot

Black Knights Fortress

Cabin Fever
- Mos Le harmless island access/Cave horrors

Clock Tower

Cold War
- Penguin Agl Course

- Sophanem Bank/Keris

Cooks Assistant
- Use of Cook's range

Creature of Fenkenstrain
- Experiments/Ring of Charos/Werewolf Agl Course

Darkness of Hallowvale
- Burgh De rott ramble/Meiyerditch

Death Plateau
- Claw Making/Climbing Boots

Death to the Dorgushuun
- DorgeshKaan

Demon Slayer
- Silverlight

Devious Minds

Desert Treasure
- Ancients/Ring of Visibility

Digsite Quest
- Digsite pendant

Doric's Quest
- Dorics Anvils

Dragon Slayer
- Crandor island/ Ability to use Grn Dhide top/Runepl8 Body

Dream Mentor
- New lunar spells

Druidic Ritual
- Herblore skill

Dwarf Cannon
- Ability to make cballs/use cannon

Eadgars Ruse
- Trollheim Teleport/goutweed unlock

Eagles Peak
- Eagle Transport

Elemental Workshop 2
- Mind tier elemental gear

Elemental Workshop 1
- Elemental shield

---Continued next post

14-Feb-2013 16:02:22

Dec Member 2022


Posts: 382 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"you cant "create" new rares and put them in a shop. they are rare because their aren't anymore of them dropped.

Make a promisary note that you could bring from eoc if you have a rare. then you can give to django and get your eoc rare in 2007 scape

in other words bring your rares from eoc with you to 2007"

Stupid idea, the reason we're so **cited about this is that it's a fresh start. This would ruin the economy and would give some players advantages over others.

14-Feb-2013 16:02:24

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