I can not GENUINELY tell you how happy I am to see this type of update. I personally did a 5 minute dance in real life.
I started runesecape in 2004 (i think... my memory isn't that good) and I played non-stop for 3 years, and then The wilderness disappeared, and Free trade disappeared.
I still remember the first day I quit Runescape for an extended period of time;
January 2nd 2008, After the implementation of, what at the time was considered, a dictatorship.
This brings back SO many opportunities. the Love that everyone had for Player-Killing. Runescape at its finest.
The times when Mage Bank PK'ing in a Torso/Fire Cape was only done by those who dared to risk it all.
The times when Green Dragon PK'ing was emerging as one of the BEST fight spots in all of Runescape, smashing Edgeville intensity and leaving it for rubble.
The days of Maikel Pro, ewhenn, Exiled, Team Brutality, Aggression, DI, DS and many many more PK'ing clans. THE DAYS WHERE THE WORD 'HONOUR' ACTUALLY MEANT SOMETHING!!! THE DAYS WHERE PJ'ING WAS FROWNED UPON AND GOT YOU HURT!
The days where you could PK at mage bank in ahrims, karils and a set of dharoks. where you could MAGE with a damn whip. and you could love the fact that you would hit 30's with ice barrage and there was nothing they could do.
Of course it brings back the times where Jojo has the ability to lure you, but it's all risks. It's ALL about being smart enough to not get lured, to not be scammed. The days where it wasn't controlled and YOU had to fend for yourself. Where merchanting was possible in Fally world 2 and you could make millions off of a few armour sets.
All I know is when this comes back, I *WILL* be there slaying and training. Slayer items will be so inflated due to no one having 85 slayer, and whips will be the best item in the game again.
best part
6 months BEFORE summoning was introduced. Thankyou god. The days of familiars and 138 combat are gone.
14-Feb-2013 11:02:14