Regarding the posts above me; there will be no Godswords and no rares.
To Jagex: While you may be listening and acting; you're going about this very unfairly. I was a paying member from 2006 to mid 2012, spread out over many different accounts. I cancelled my membership because of a few things, EoC, game direction and SoF (Pay2Win). Why don't people who HAD a membership active for a long amount of time have a say? The people who want this most have quit because of EoC and game direction. How is it expected to get a somewhat decent 07 (250k votes) when only 50-80k players are on at a time? Even if that's not all of them, a 200k jump from 50k is huge, it should be more like 125k.
So we have 2 options, get 50k votes (which I'm 99% sure we will) and have to pay an extra $15 dollars a month for members (I live in AUS, this will cost me $25p/m!) and have no anti-bot technology, or option 2, 200k~ people buy membership for an update that will take over one month, so the quitters are basically PAYING to vote.
I bet you will have ads on the vote page too. More mulah, eh?
I would be okay with $5-10 extra charge, but not 15. Take a step back and look at this. You can handle this vote better.
Rant question over, calm question is this.
IF we get the 50k vote version, but then when the servers launch A LOT more people play, will you consider THEN adding anti-bot software and lowering the membership fee? Simple economics, higher fee = less players, more money, lower fee = more players, still the same money gain, made up from the more players. They're both the same, and option B is good for EVERYONE.
14-Feb-2013 08:34:36