Do you guys honestly expect to reach 500k votes?
Five years ago Jagex announced that they barely received a million membership accounts and this was the peak of their members. This was when there was about 200,000 people logged in at any time in runescape. So about 1/5 members would be logged in.
Ever since then, the memberships have been going down significantly due to updates that people have not liked, EoC being the highest
Today, there are about 80,000 members on at any time in the day. So multiply that by 5, and you have approximately 400,000 members. This does not include bots. So that means theres about 350,000 actual players (being generous here) that are currently eligible to vote.
That being said, EVERY SINGLE one of those people have to vote and there will be still about 150,000 votes short. That amount of people is possible, but given the time duration of 2 weeks of veteran players to find out and buy membership and vote, it is almost a joke and nothing but false hope.
Jagex will reach the 250,000 vote mark. But they know it will not make the 500,000 mark. Like their new mentality reflects, they want more money. They will get that extra 5 bucks a month they want. And they will play on people's hope to strive for that 500,000 milestone by making old veterans pay right now for membership to throw it towards *hat meaningless goal. Its another way to get money out of you. By riding on your dream of free old servers. If they really wanted to do this, they would make the polls for both nonmembers and members, just like they did for old school pvp.
Also, in old school pvp there was about 1.3 million votes that were recorded of both members and nonmembers. Of these, everyone logged into every account they had both members and nonmembers (i had 5)... Given a community a broken community of players, now required membership, and not being able to use every account you had before that 500k milestone is nothing more than false hope and a cruel joke by jagex.
14-Feb-2013 08:33:09