Pretty please give me back my old game, i hate this New and Improved cheesy over the top armour and shields, and seriously dont think they need to add any thing especially the useless imp hide, bat wing, spider silk, ect... the charge bows are pretty cool i always hated using magic or ranged for the reason of buying more stuff. Seriously i want my old quest log, task manager, magic icons, combat things back to the old way, and can we please go back to where it was impossible to hit 100! i crave hitting cows with a 10! and seriously i do not get this whole levelling thing, i dont know if my total skills or my combat level witch jumped from 61 - 121, not my kind of thing, i always liked a littl bit of a challenge to get any levels in this game, i know bots took over most of it, but for the legit players like me, i want to see more of the original easier general store trading and having to crazy click the sell and hope for a spot, than just going to the GE, so much less heck deck, i think its a GREAT idea Jagex would propose this idea, but i do think the original free trade and wildy was a better concept, and than i think you should definitely offer the original servers for all people not just members, because i dont think thats going to be a changing factor for the people who arent members already and have played the game long enough to know what the 2007 servers even were. So please bring back my dear old original game, but seriously i love some of the newer updates... thank you so much for your home telly system through out the major towns, makes my life so much easier between running in between towns after dying because i wasnt paying attention thanks to my crappy math homework. Thanks.
14-Feb-2013 05:08:33