supoort this!!! bring back the old days!
reading through list of updates that came in 07, it seems we will have old wildy to as bounty hunter came into place december 07, however we will be without clan wars :S
list of stuff that happened in 07: http://runescape.wikia.***/wiki/2007
not only this but it will bring back the constant grind feel to make the 99's we achieve a lot more significant then what they are now due to the fact that they will be harder to gain.. take for example runecrafting.. in 07 we had to mine/buy the essence to turn into runes at altars or abyss.. nowadays one could camp at runespan for least 2weeks and have 99rc in no time
14-Feb-2013 05:02:07
- Last edited on
14-Feb-2013 05:04:49