"Could we have a poll on whether we have to reset our stats, or we could just import save. i would love it if we could just transfer our stats. It would make it much more enjoyable for me."
No that would ruin the fun of it for a lot of people. For it to succeed and last long term(5+ years) they need to have it start from scratch, not transfer accounts from the already broken and corrupt RS, that would just make the old servers broken and corrupt too.
Maxed Sept 24th, 2015 - 134th to max
I for one am quite glad of hearing this news, especially after quitting for a few years. If more votes are needed I'll buy some memberships to vote. My pking friends are excited about coming back.
They better be able to get rid of the ditch too. The wilderness was beautiful before it.
Equilities, there are about 70k people online most times. Clearly, few people play 24 hours a day. The hiscores has 1.85 million rankings, and since the highscores are members only... well, you get the idea. I'm slightly concerned as well, but hopeful.
I kind of wish that the year the bounty hunter craters came out, would come back, because they were fun.
But they said they have no version of the game past august 2007 or something, but that's fine
can't wait to get on tutorial island and chop a tree down! lol.
I don't really want to go and buy membership just to vote, but I'm going to, just because I want to play old runescape again
In my opinion, I think we can smash the 50,000 mark
hope we can get to the 250,000 one though.