2007 is a great time. This is before dclaws, and Aug 2007 was when godswords came out. With or without them, I'd be happy.
BUT, are you kidding me jagex...members only vote? Pretty corrupt of you to raise funds like this in my opinion. I quit because of the EOC. I would come back for these 2007 servers. But, I don't want to pay you just to vote for something that might not come about.
How about you only allow votes from accounts who have a history of being a member at least once? Or accounts who were members in the past year? There has to be another method of determining legitimate votes that doesn't involve us paying you lol...
Plus, I'm not happy about having to start a new account. Most of us have thousands of hours put into many different accounts. I'm not about to do that again, I've learned my lesson.
I mean a fresh economy? Okay. But, level 3 characters? Meah.
14-Feb-2013 03:27:11