Oh. My. God.
I've been waiting for this forever!
I've been playing since 2005ish.
Once the huge updates came out. I disliked runescape.
I'm glad Jagex is listening to us.
Also, I agree the voting numbers are way high, and for members only?
I stopped being a member 2 monthes ago.
Majority of the old players that played for 5years+ have quit because
of EoC. Hell, I lost 200+ friends because of them quiting, so the members only voting
kind of sucks. But I think we could *till achieve this.
And you're right, the game may have its ups and downs.
But I would rather go back to then, when I actually had all my friends.
And do it again. If you're against it, then that is your opinion but why take away from the people who truly miss it? I mean you might find it dumb, or rediculous,
but others actually have had good memories, and they might want to re-create the memories (like myself). Also, I am sure people are going to come from private server just to vote too. Many people want this, and miss this. So please thank about others too. The only thing I am really against is the prices $$, and the whole member to vote crap. I mean, they stated that they would update the game with whatever updates we want. So Its not totally getting rid of new updated runescape. Its just like if you reset minecraft and re-add mods, but only mods the community can agree on. It'll be fun. But every game will have its up as well as its downs, thats a given.
Lol, sorry for the long message. ;3
14-Feb-2013 02:28:45