I'm a bit surprised. I probably won't add my support as I'm more than content with the current game, but I guess it's good for people that just don't like Runescape as it is now...
However, I'm already predicting players that decide to play RS 2007 will realize that they're missing out on a lot. I can already see the "oh, but wait, I don't have X item, or Y training method anymore..." Add in the fact that stats won't be carried over (which is entirely fair; for all the people that complain about new methods 'devaluing' skills, why would they let people with 5 years of new training methods carry over xp, not to mention the nightmare of sorting through new items that wouldn't be compatible with the 2007 game?) and I just see more complaining instead of less.
I guess I'd just warn those that think this will be some magic fix for every problem they think RS has, be careful what you wish for...
13-Feb-2013 17:57:20