To be honest this whole poll thing is an obvious ploy for people to subscribe just to vote. Just put up the servers with a separate membership fee, because you KNOW you will explode with hype over the coming weeks and you will have over a few hundred thousand players that will resub for this.
$8 a month for runescape
$13 a month for runescape + 07scape
$23 a month is ridiculous. You will be so much less successful at that price. I personally am willing to pay up to $15 a month for this game. Which i can easily say is my favorite game i've ever played. $15 is double the membership price already. Twice the price for two games instead of one. Fair and reasonable for the players and profitable for the company. A large amount of players will refuse to pay $23 for more than maybe a month or two.
But aside from that, i'd just like to say thank you for giving us this opportunity. I always feel bad when you guys get such a bad rap from everybody no matter what you do. You created this game, how people could see you as the enemy is beyond me. Without the players you wouldn't have this game, so please seriously consider what we say. Especially from the loyal veterans. And a large majority of the people that want the server ARE veterans, they have to be to be able to even know what 2007 was like. I think what i'm saying is very credible, I have gold membership and can get a 10 year veteran cape this year. I could talk almost endlessly about this game. Thanks again for listening.
14-Feb-2013 02:14:29