
Old School RuneScape Anyone?

Quick find code: 294-295-158-64458191



Posts: 59 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
best post on this thread! everything you said made the whole wait even more unbearable.
finaly a game with challenge. no more people farming bosses for hours making bank. now we have to rely on eachother rather than the players who dictate everything because of their stats or cash pile. bosses are going to be a challenge. instead of just buying everything you need on g.e to make your levels rocket, you have to go out and find the individual items for yourself. smithing + mining, runecrafting + magic, etc, are all going to go hand in hand as how they were intended to be.

13-Feb-2013 20:29:53

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 49 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Eoc was released on 20-11-12, not in 2013.
Btw i dont dislike eoc but i would prefer the old rs around the year 2011.
2007 isnt bad tho but if i gotta start over from lv 3 nah.
I bet the servers are almost empty with a few months loved 2 be proofed wrong but i aint gonna vote neither play it.
loved how jagex didn't react on those cry babies.
Now they do they do it all again, like returning wildy what was a bad choice in my opinion thanks 2 that the botters \ rwt'ers are back.
Well gl 2 the 2007scape players and i hope for you guys there isnt gonna be this ridiculous high memmbership payment.
Greetingz METIIICA

13-Feb-2013 20:29:56

Yonko Sunny

Yonko Sunny

Posts: 43 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think Jagex will be surprised to see all their players flock to the old version instead of this crappy version. Though I am confused as to why the old version can't be graphically updated like the present one as well. This is right on time because I just gave Jagex the middle finger a few days ago and cancelled my membership because of all the bots. Lvl 200 bots. If someone can bot to lvl 200 and not get caught, then why do I play this game?

I will put in my vote, but if it doesn't make over the 500,000 par then I will not play... I am not going to pay 20 dollars a month for that. I'll go play W.O.W. or something. R.I.P. Runescape.

13-Feb-2013 20:30:19

why 1def tho

why 1def tho

Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Okay, firstly I will vote on both my accounts (restarting this membership, as it is due to expire)! However secondly, there are some issues with this :( :

#1: No GE.
While many may be excited by this - really, look at this on a whole. The GE allowed for easy access to items which were before almost impossible to obtain. It made the game fun, you could get what you wanted quickly enough and continue to play! Without it, I suspect many will give up on obtaining decent items.

Eww those graphics.
While these graphics may be nostalgic at first, I fear they will become a pain to look at and I wish for an option between old graphics and new refined ones :D !.

#3: Where my st00f.
Will everyone really start from level 3? No gear. No Money.

#4: Where mai STATZ?
So. 2007, awesome huh? Mabye. Will everyone really have the time and the dedication to train back up to the 99s they have? No, I don't think so. I highly doubt maxed players would do it all again, I know many of my friends wouldn't. Suomi, massive supporter of this movement, a level 3?

In conclusion, 2007 =

-Nostalgic, long (from level 3/ no items), 'nasty' graphics, without the ge for easy access to items, without many decent updates that came with current rs (obviously not micro-transactions & EoC).

My views on EoC:

PKing: Dead.
Skilling: Only thing left for many now.
PvM: Decent but some noob monsters take 3 hits?
-Bossing: The only good thing about the EoC. Bosses have finally been made interesting :) !

Of course though, mabye for a month - though it depends it has been 5 years - bring back 2007!

13-Feb-2013 20:30:22

Guahan Elite
Aug Member 2023

Guahan Elite

Posts: 118 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Haha, 2007 is one of the greatest years where everything was slow, and we all had our happy moods i'd prefer 2007! because later on that year everything began to change, and in 2007 was a year, when most of us began playing runescape^

I dearly thank you, jagex ;)

13-Feb-2013 20:30:25

Word of Wind
Nov Member 2023

Word of Wind

Posts: 1,320 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- There will be no rares – good riddance to bad rubbish I say.
- There will be no drops from bosses, everyone will be level 3, so there won’t be for some time. No godswords, no dragon chainbodies, no dragon full helm, nothing.
- Jad was hard back then. Anyone with a Jad cape will be an instant celebrity.
- Heck, anyone with a cooking cape will be a celebrity.
- There will be no cash at all. All those billions of gp that were alched into the game over the years won’t exist. And where in the world are we going to get nature runes to alch stuff with?
- So even if you were able to raise the levels to fight Godwars bosses, what items would you wear? No godwars armor drops yet. Where would you get treasure trails god items? Nobody has done any TT yet either. And what are you going to fight them with? Nobody has 99 mining yet, so there aren’t any rune platebodies, nor are there level 85 miners to mine the rune ores.
- And suppose you raised your levels to fight mithril dragons and got a rune full helm. You can*t sell it to anyone because nobody has any money yet!
- No potions, nada. Nobody has the levels to farm the herbs and make the pots. No brews, not even attack potions.
- Weapons, armor? Nothing. Food – Who can fish sharks? Trout will be the wonder food of 2007-scape.
- Twenty-three skills, and twenty-three races to 99 to be the first to earn a skill cape! Maybe a few famous players who quit because of RS getting easier will come back for the challenge. And maybe they will stay, because 2007-scape can NEVER be made easier, or dumbed down, or achievements devalued.
- The first players to reach certain levels are guaranteed huge profits. First to make addy plate – guaranteed millionaire. First to make green d hide bodies, same deal. First player to reach 80 craft to make amulet of glory? Huge deal.
- No Grand Exchange so guess what? Self-sufficiency will return and people will have to shift for themselves in most things.

13-Feb-2013 20:30:43

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