I fully support this wonderful initiative by Jagex. I'm a veteran player who's been playing RuneScape since early 2004 and I stopped playing in Nov 2007 for the main reason everybody else stopped - The elimination of Freetrade and Playerkilling. I am however, seriously considering re-applying for membership if 2007Scape would come back to life!
And for all of you players who wants to have RuneScape 2010 back or whatever the year may be say after... 2009, the sole reason why they choose to pick the year 2007 was because of its peak during that time. The removal of player killing & free-trade left a vast amount of dedicated RuneScape players in anger and frustration. For those of you who weren't around 2006/2007, you have no idea or whatsoever what this means for some of the veteran players here, choose your words wisely when participating in discussions regarding things you've never actually experienced, in this case The comeback of RS2007.
14-Feb-2013 01:09:50