I believe not all players are bothering on talking on here on what they think since most runescape players have left but in saying that since you advertise your game you could include that you have brought it back or you are trying to bring it back, to catch the players eyes once again as it used to be.
I Would be quite happy if you brought back the old runescape and so would allot more other people.
Starting from scratch is THE best part, everyones noob, everyone has the chance to be the best.
Im fairly high level, this is not my first account and i couldnt care less about my whole bank/char. Getting same chances as everyone to start over = most fun and biggest motivation boost ever.
GOOOO JAGEX!!!!! woohooo!!!!!! I'm a loyal 2006 player and I love your game still, but this is beyond cool!
And to those who say Jagex does everything for money.. Do you morons realize that it takes money to run a company? Do you realize it costs them to hire people and run the servers? You idiots go try to run a company for free and see how long it lasts, please!
I would like to humbly present a suggestion. Although I believe it is the right thing to do to allow only members to vote since they are paying the money, it would be nice to have a possible separate vote section for the free players only since a lot of the future members as well as past members make up this population. Maybe RS could look at data or maybe not but at least it is there as a feedback from those who love the game enough to contribute say. Please take this into consideration because my hopes instantly dropped after seeing the amount of people required to vote (up to 750k).
Dislike the idea; the game needed a re-vamp because it WILL die without it, they finally brought EOC out and to prove it was a great update the Kalphite King came out...FANTASTIC!...and now they want to break the game because half the player base will leave, and won't play EOC anymore. E.G. Runescape doesn't advance...and in a few years becomes utter *****. NO THANKS.
The forums suck balls.