*sniffle* I truely hope this turns out great, just thinking of my old memories....-not having any idea what to do someone hiring me to go mining for him <3 leaving the lumbridge mines, getting killed by dark mages or wizards not sure south of varrock :'( losing everything, but that's what made it fun, challenges, I enjoy making new accounts starting over) This is the first account I ever made and stopped using it made a pure which ended up being 40defence turmoil then 45def maxed then 66def (goliaths arma storm) maxed 99 summ all that. Then that account became better than this account so it's sort of the new main. So I made a new pure which was 99 range/mage 50 atk 94strength, 99 summoning 1 defence (got 60 attack in eoc :/). I believe this will be awesome since I mostly stopped playing rs, you got 3 votes from me jagex
level one,we can reach it.. but its like impossible to get 750k.i higly doubt you guys have so much people paying membership atm.. i would say 150k-200k players max... so do it more realistic.. or at least let the f2p with 2000+ total level vote! or else it will be impossible to get 750k...
Great update idea! Honestly though the fresh-start for everyone is a great idea, like others I've worked hard for my items and skills but this will allow everyone a fair chance at becoming number one or getting their desired goal(s). If Jagex allows transfers in terms of items/exp/stats than we bring the current terrible economy with us which I personally want to leave behind.
I'm curious though since everyone will be starting fresh at level 3 what will Jagex do to bump-start the economy on the 07 server(s)?
They have said that if they get over 250k votes, they will make content updates to the game as well as maintenance. Whilst Godwars or GE may not be on there when it first comes out, i'm sure if there is enough popular demand they will put it onto that version of scape.