I love this idea and would love the pre eoc runescape back but i don't think it should be that far back. I think it it should be early 2012 before the eoc.
I like the dungeoneering part and the item binds update. And chaotics
I like the hp, prayer, run energy display which wasn't around in 2007.
I like the nex armor the gano and storm of armadyl update, also after 2007 and polypore
I like the hybrid armour from minigames. new barrow Akinese set.
I like the dragon defender, dragon claws, korasi, armadyl crossbow, kiln cape, sara ammys and all the the stuff after 2007- 2012 before the eoc
i also like the grand exchange, way easier and faster to get items needed for treasure trails.
The new Quests, Nomad, The Elite void, Nex, QBD, the diversion and distractions, Corporal Beast, bolas in castle wars, PVP armour and weapons/ revenants, extreme potions/ overloads, etc are all after 2007.
We don't want a 2007scape even though it is still better than the eoc, We want a pre-eoc scape like early 2012 before the eoc update.
I hate the eoc
Also I don't want to start new all over again i want to play with the stats and stuff i have now, its way more fun and i don't have the time to train a new account all the way up again. I'm older now and i have other things to do than play rs all the time. I would hate to start new again. Make it like when you did the eoc update.
13-Feb-2013 23:30:13