Responses like this just drive me nuts:
"Let the cry babies who don't like change in games continue on snapshot versions of RSPS's, instead of bringing back an "older" version of Runescape for the old school fan boys."
WHY would ANY thinking person suggest that the BEST thing to do is send a paying market off to PAY (illegal) private servers?
WHY do people perceive this as "cry babies/old school fan boys" - what it is, is a MARKET. It is individuals with credit cards, WILLING TO PAY for a service.
Jagex is a company, looking for profit - which means, looking for paying customers.
If Jagex can determine with reasonable certainty that a paying market exists, and they have the ability to serve that market.... WHY WOULD THEY NOT?
I understand people saying "meh i would never play a 2007 version" - fair enough, I'm not sure I would either... but to take it further and say "and because *I* would never play a 2007 server, I think no one else ever should either, and those that want to do this thing that i don't want to do, are obviously stupid" - well. That just makes you sound stupid, tbh.
13-Feb-2013 23:20:35