To those against it solely for the "10 year old kids are the worst crowd, and are the only people supporting this game":
Consider the fact that many supporters of RS2007, as it has come to be called, Have played many mmos. I've Played WoW, Star Wars the Old Republic, both Guild Wars, Maplestory, and more than you can count besides them. I also have been playing Runescape since Middle School (2006 to be Exact). And I can tell you that Runescape Used to be the Best of them all. I remember those Days, When the Best Melee weapon was a whip, the best Ranged was a Dark Bow, and The game was actually FUN as a nonmember. Sadly, once they took away Free Trade, the game slowly started to deteriorate into what it is today. Yes, they brought back Free Trade and old Wilderness, it's not the same.
As an avid fan of gaming in general (social not included) I wholeheartedly support Jagex's decision to create a blast from the past brought into the modern day. Activision-Blizzard Has Multiplayer servers set up for WCIII and Starcraft, and they used to Bleed cash on anything from the Blizzard side until they did that.
This is a smart Business Decision. Jagex needs to think Profits First, community second, Just like any other business does. I don't support the way of thinking, but I, like anyone else who understands there's a world besides Runescape, should Understand that this is Better for both the community and for Jagex as a business.
I however, am a bit curious as to why they decided 750K votes was a positive idea. I Know they probably picked this number to boost subscription, sure, but it's not going to ever Hit level 4, unless you have a major amount people who have money they can throw around.
And one last Thing I would like to point out. All those "10 year olds" will be out of your EoC servers and be playing the classic, so you don't need to deal with them on as frequent of a basis.
14-Feb-2013 20:42:09