@"you guys are all idiots if you vote for this. remember in 2007 there was no ge, which you or i may not care for, but there is no pvp, besides bounty hunter, no trading of items except what you have the lvl and quest points to trade, and lets not forget that you start out at lvl 1 with no hope of trading items from acc to acc. this is a troll by jagex to get you to buy a month of membership, be it that there are less than 100k people that will actually vote on this, so it will bne a lvl 1 15$ a month payment in which people will realize is totally screwed up, and will quit and jagex will have that 50k x 15$ to distribute amongst the new developers and new game updates and not have to worry about old server updates in which there will be so few of anyways.
it would be different if it were taken back about 2 weeks b4 eoc. which they say they have no valid backup for, which we all know is a lie. as we all are forced to update our computers to stay up to date with the systems being implemented, jagex is also forced to backup theirs and we are all being trolled. i will probly be forum banned for this but i cant help but expressed how angry i am that they feel they have to lie to all of use after some of us have been through soo much just to keep playing this game, soo angry with you jagex."
just wow.....
1. bounty hunter was later in the year after the ge came out
2. lvl1? have u ever played runescape?
3. do u read? they dont have backups for pre-eoc other then 07
ur the ******* idiot
14-Feb-2013 00:21:11