I first started playing in March 2008. I hadn't even heard of Runescape before then. I have no real idea or sense of what the game was like in 2007. I've never been one therefore to demand a return of the 2006 game in any way and I'm even less interested in a return to 2007.
I also dislike the idea of starting a character from scratch as I'm nearly the end of my goals with this character that I've had since 2008. If it had meant a couple of pre-EoC servers, yeah I definitely would have been much more interested in that idea.
So I guess I won't be voting then. I'll continue to stick it out until the new skill comes out and then make my decision on whether or not to continue playing at all.
I'm assuming that if 2007 servers are indeed brought online but the demand for it isn't overwhelming (something I really doubt will happen since players have been screaming for the 2006, not the 2007 game, to return), it'll probably be the lowest tier. So that extra $15/month would only apply to players who actually sign up for those servers, right? Because I'm not paying a single dime more than $5/month for the regular game as it stands now.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I'd be willing to pay extra per month for pre-EoC servers, because I'm not. You guys are determined to keep EoC and you're welcome to do so. I'm just biding my time with it till I'm done with my goals. But I'm not paying extra for anything. Just so we're clear on that right here and now. The game isn't worth more than I'm currently paying for it.
Prepare yourselves for yet another rigged poll, guys. They think this will shut players up and will bring back some of those that quit the game. Starting from scratch with a new character isn't probably what many of them had in mind though so good luck with that idea.
13-Feb-2013 17:45:39