What is the point of this poll
"If you are against the idea, then you should - naturally - abstain from voting. However,if you are supportive, or would simply like to do a cool thing for your fellow Runescape friends (both retired and active) by making it a no-charge service as well as a benefit for free players (which is very much our aspiration), then please do register your vote and encourage all your friends to do the same!"
According to Jagex, this will have no long term development changes the current Runescape but there will be an initial relocation of resources and time.
So there are apparently no disadvantages, so why is Jagex making a poll?
It seems like it's just for publicity, like the silly facebook "like if you x..." messages.
Anyway, I want to see a Vote No option, I don't want them to waste resources on an old game, and while there will probably be a high amount of supporters, non-supporters should be able to clearly voice their opposition.
(Though I don't think it will make any difference, just like the free trade/wildy poll)
13-Feb-2013 18:55:49