"2) On the other hand, you have disappointed many of us with this new idea - the level reset. I do not think that this is fair at all on the dedicated players. Why would we start again from Level 3 when we already have an account and bother to train it on a 2007-server? What is the point in that. I personally think that the accounts that we currently hold should be left as they are - but with all post-2007 weapons, armour, items, skills and other little things REMOVED, but the statistics of the accounts remain untouched. "
^this. and a majority of the people FOR the stat reset have little to NO 99 skills, so OF COURSE they think it's fair"
Well put sir. However, maybe a little compromise (even though I'd gladly keep all my stats). What about letting players choose * skills they'd like to keep? For instance, you can keep three skills you'd previously acquired. You're a PvMer, so you go for herblore, strength and prayer. I'm still not sure about that myself, but what do you guys think?
14-Feb-2013 15:03:37