Adding in modern updates to the 2007 version DEFEATS THE PURPOSE
Add Godwars, and MAYBE the G.E.
No more beyond that.
I thought of that. That's why I said the GE should be in certain worlds only, whereas the remaining worlds can be free of the GE. That way those of us who want the GE can enjoy it, and those of us who don't can still enjoy a RuneScape without the GE.
And the Godwars Dungeon is already in the game, since it was added on the 28th, and this is the 30th.
Now, these are the ideas that I propose:
Some worlds will remain as they are, 100% true to the original 2007 RuneScape. Others can be tweaked a little. For Example: worlds 1-50 stay as they are now. worls 51-101 get graphical updates, new quests****, but no more than that. As in no game altering updates like a trade limit, no removing pvp, no adding revenants, no EoC. We get all the good stuff of the main game, but without the bad side effects. Like for example, they tweak the Kalphite King, such that he can be slain using normal RuneScape combat. The Old School Kalphite King would be a completely seperate entity from the main game. Nostalgia can only survive for so long, take RuneScape classic for example, is anyone playing it today? even after the relaunching of the server? Barely. We don't want that to happen to our precious 2007, now do we. Now don't get me wrong I don't want to corrupt the 2007 game, I'm saying they should make it better for those of us who just aren't that much into it for nostaliga as much as we are for the love of the game. Admit it, no one wants to type in "selling dragon scimy" for six hours in varrock square.
Personally I don't care if they never update quests, or bosses. I just DO NOT want:
New Skills
Game altering negative updates like EoC or Trade limit or No wildy etc...
Updates that make the game better:
Graphical updates
animation updates
that way it's still the RuneScape we know and love, but better.
Oh and we really need a wiki. Jagex pls
23-Feb-2013 20:46:04