The way the new servers opened up with a fresh start for everyone reminded me of diablo ii ladder seasons. Those seasons would run about 6-9 months (if I remember correctly) and after the season was up, everyones characters would get dumped into the non-ladder game and the whole thing would start with a new season. This extended the life of diablo ii quite a bit in terms of interest because it gave ppl a chance to become the top player. If runescape were to adopt such a plan, the "season" would probably have to be 3 years (IOT allow casual players to build up their players as well). Casual players of 07 servers may not like the idea of a 3 year window, but it is a significant amount of time. It also allows competitive players enough time to max out their players and gain some fame. Also, over those three years, Jagex could perfect the previous modifications to the game and add those modifications with player input (even if JAGEX makes a "mistake", ppl can always look forward to the next season). Graphically updating the game, but keeping old school mechanics "MAY" be very simple. Finally, all the "rare" holiday items are non-existent in 07 server (unless hacked). This opens up a bunch of possibilities for adding "07 only" rares. This would encourage those on the eoc to play old school runescape. Vice versa, Jagex could also implement eoc only holiday items and that would make players play both servers. If players "ignore" certain tradeable holiday items (or are unable to obtain them) this could lead to another p-hat type of item. As the first season of 07 comes to a close, competitive players would start planning for the next season and some of the casual players would look forward to starting over. It is also possible that there may be three different servers (season 07, non-season 07 and eoc) or two servers, season 07 and eoc (with all non-season 07 getting dumped into eoc).
23-Feb-2013 22:12:48