Dear Jagex,
I think that the evolution of combat has led to a lot of people ultimately deciding to leave runescape. I have been playing runescape for about 8 years and for me, it was like the last straw for many of us. What I mean by this is that years ago whenever there was the old school system of the wilderness, and there was free trade, runescape was at it's peak. But then after various updates such as the bounty hunter system and taking away free trade for a certain period of time, it greatly took away from the credibility that Jagex had established as the developer of this great MMORPG. Many members and non-members left runescape after ***h of these updates. I think that so often you guys tried to fix the game from all of the scammers and botters that were so often present, but for a lot of us it was almost a part of the game. Sure, everyone's been scammed and it sucks. But the updates that you guys decided to make in fixing these problems like taking away free trade was much much worse than getting scammed one time. In addition, I think that what always made runescape for me personally, was its simplistic and basic combat system. I think I speak for many of us "old fashioned" players in saying that we loved that. So after seeing what happened with massive updates like bounty hunter, free trade, and the repercussions that came from that, when the Evolution of Combat was released it was like a slap in the face. Don't get me wrong, some of the updates have been great! The new clan system is fantastic, and I think every player loves training a new skill every couple of years. I personally love the idea of these "old school servers", but I fear that they may not be as good as they seem. When you say "a screenshot of the 2007 servers." What exactly does that mean? We won't have summoning, hunter, or dungeoneering? That sounds terrible. Is there anyway we could have a version of the game with all of the same content as the main game, just without EOC?
22-Feb-2013 18:39:41