First of hello fellow Runescaper
You will use the same Runescape login as you use on eoc servers, but it will be reset so you will start as level 3 and still have the level 200 to play on the eoc servers.
yes the bank will stay the same in eoc servers and the bank on your 2007 rs will be compleatly empty for you to fill up with all your small treasures
-Abbath Doom
22-Feb-2013 13:39:49
- Last edited on
22-Feb-2013 13:40:23
A fresh start? Seriously?
I have a maxed pure going to waste and am expected to donate another chunk of my life to getting the same stats? I can't get members for this.
I predict this will be a very bot infested server as well due to starting at level 3.
Malcom feel special? there are 100's of thousands of maxed pures, if you don't want this back as bad as the rest of us then don't join .. 1 less noob at tut island.