Early RS2 is a game of responsibility and dedication. Players earn combat and skills through their endurance and motivation. Players hold themselves & each other accountable for their own actions (it's not the game's fault/responsibility). I want to play RuneScape "2007" because it makes sense.
A few examples...
Before the Grand Exchange, the trading realm of RuneScape was a fair playing field of free trade, consisting of negotiating/bartering, trading tactics, and the genuine personal experience of buying and selling. It also makes skilling combat a challenge by hunting down tools, items, weaponry or armor.
Before the RuneScape client borrowing system came into place, RuneScape players relied solely on a trust system. By trusting one another, we develop personal relationships within the community and people can be held accountable for their actions (whether good or bad).
RuneScape "2007" overall is unique. It's quirky, stylized (i.e., you'll recognize a RuneScape screenshot, or even storyline or item or NPC type, as "RuneScape," and not like WoW or RuneScape EoC), and as a quirky person, it truly makes me happy to like it and proud to support it!
RS2 teaches players to learn from their mistakes. It teaches players (and remember, youth is a HUGE percentage of the playerbase in RuneScape) to be responsible for their actions and words. It's a tricky world out there.
There was a time, long before EoC, before the "maximum limit" trading system, before censors, before the almighty Grand Exchange, before the game became pay-to-win and before we were babied. I've played this game on and off since RuneScape Classic, and honestly, I will never forget the time that I was hacked (it was my fault) nor the time I was scammed (that was my fault too). I've never been hacked nor scammed otherwise or since.
So, please, I'm looking forward to the challenge!
Thanks JaGeX,
A lovely little level 3.
22-Feb-2013 12:55:23