Hey, I've got a solution for all of you who don't want to start from scratch!..........
DON'T PLAY THE GAME. If you're unhappy about the reset and don't want to start from scratch, stick with the newest Runescape.
Everyone starting from scratch will bring a big fun factor, at least for us who enjoy the game and don't cry about the smallest things. Everyone will be starting from level 3, with no economy. We will get the experience and contribute to the establishment of the economy. There will be a big competition factor for the more hardcore gamer's as they will be rushing to become the highest level.
As for asking for newer content to be added to 2007 Runescape.. I really hope that's just some sick joke. We asked for 2007 Runescape back because it didn't have all the newer features, it was unique and nostalgic to all us Runescape veterans. If you want newer content to be introduced into the game, such as God Wars Dungeon, why not play the current Runescape?
Another thing to point out is the rare items. Introducing rares into the game would make the game unfair, and well.. they wouldn't be rares anymore. If you were to hand out only a couple rares to players, then not everyone is starting from scratch, really? People will have a bonus in cash which will help them but supplies to develop their skill levels. Also, people wont have 100's of millions to spend on a rare item, they would simply be worthless.
Really? We've also got people moaning about not being able to vote? Well, if you wanted to vote so damn badly, you would pay for membership for what was once a great thriving game. All we are interested in at the moment is hitting 250,000. When Runescape 2007 is released and there are much more than 250,000 membership accounts, I'm just Jagex will see there is a big demand for it and assign a bigger development team and lower membership costs.
It makes me sick looking at these complaints. You asked for the game back, enjoy it. Don't complain.
19-Feb-2013 19:33:16