Higher level players would not control the economy if your stats get transfer.
First of all if you played in 2007, like most of you preach you do, then you wouldn't have to worry about having to do all of the quests and stats you already spilled blood, countless hours and labor on if your stats get transferred because you EARNED IT.
Everyone who will be playing this server has had the experience to make it to the top.
I doubt that there is going to be any new players in the 2007 server, mostly all veterans and pkers.
If your stats don't get transferred 2 horrible things are likely to happen.
1st: the demand for bots will be overwhelming and will ruin the economy in the long run.
2nd: if everyone starts the same"as lvl 3's" wouldn't you think that the people who have more time on their hands will be more likely to succeed and therefore controll the economy?
Let's face it, we don't have enough time like we use to back in 2007 to train.
I know it would be fun to see what it would look like if we all started equal, but not everyone will play it fair. people will bot to get to the top, people will skip school, work to play or share accounts. things will never be equal, they need to transfer our stats so we can get the economy going and get back to what we love doing faster.
and hey, if you want to re-live your whole rs childhood, then simply make a new account in the server, don't let other people suffer and get what they already have worked hard for,
thank you.
18-Feb-2013 19:34:19
- Last edited on
18-Feb-2013 19:38:02