Rather than an additional monthly fee, I think it would be better to charge a one time $20 fee per character created. This would keep mostly legit players in the game and turn away most bots. Then perhaps players who have accounts 5 years or older would be allowed to make their characters for free because they played during that time period. Of course these would also be paying members for the current game, just as classic requires.
I know I would not want to pay $15 extra per month just to play an older version. I intend to keep playing the current version of Runescape for mostly skilling purposes and new content releases such as quests. If no additional monthly fees are necessary, I would consider playing the old version occasionally for fun / PK / Nostalgia. But because I would be unable to import current skill levels into the old school server, I may *** play much as it would not be a significantly useful value of my time spent to retrain everything to my current levels. I like to move forward, but I miss the old days when combat was more fun. So training combat and fighting would be good fun to me.
14-Feb-2013 08:03:10