What they meant...
Jagex 2007: "We have people making money in-game then selling it to other players? this isn't profitable for us, let's make sure nobody can ever do it ever again. We're gonna lose a lot of people, but who cares? we're not enforcing this rule as much as we should because we're not making profit."
Jagex 2007 (after free trade/wildy update): "Wow, i was being sarcastic, i didn't actually think we'd lose 1/3 of our player-base"
Jagex 2011: "Look at WoW, they have so many players and our numbers keep dwindling because of our updates, maybe we should copy them, make it like a cheaper WoW"
Jagex 2012: "Alright guys, time to make a WoW clone out of this game and hope it's better than the hundreds of other WoW clones out there"
Jagex 2013: "GUYS COME BACK! WE ADMIT WE'VE BEEN MESSING UP THE GAME SINCE THEN, WE NEED YOU! WE KNOW WE'VE BEEN RUINING THE GAME SINCE 07! Oh... they can't hear us now, they're too busy with WoW because they figured they'd just pay 10 more dollars and play the real thing instead of a generic WoW clone... Well, better squeeze the veterans for everything they have by making it a member's only vote... because clearly the person who just started playing last year is more valuable than someone who paid for membership for more than 2 years, before our pathetic updates.
What they said
Jagex 07: "Our rules aren't being enforced enough, so we're taking away a key asset to the game"
Jagex 07: "Pay attention to all these generic wilderness simulators to get players back"
Jagex 2011: "Look at our new system, it has hotkeys, we know how much you guys like hotkeys"
Jagex 2013: "PAYING MEMBERS can vote on bringing back OUR MOST PROFITABLE TIME. Give us money so you can vote, even though YOU DONT SUPPORT ANY UPDATES since, you have to BUY IN TO OUR NEW SYSTEM for YOUR OLD SYSTEM."
I honestly think whoever's running runescape has too much pride in his failure to admit that it's a failure.
18-Feb-2013 17:25:31
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18-Feb-2013 17:40:57