True, i understand what you mean, but this server is for the poeple who dont like the current game, or who are new and want some competition, or who have just quit because they loved the old runescape more.
but overall the CLG ( current live game ) will always be the game that you would get known for, the 2007 server is to bring back some old players so they cna play the game they always loved
guys we need to start over, it's the only way we can recreate runescape in its purest form and finally be done with all the broken items. Don't whine about rares as we still have rare items like 3rd age and for you children who don't D chains, legs, and med helms actually went for alot of money hell even a dragon spear will hold some real value. It won't be "another stupid d med...." it will be "OMFG!!!! D MED!#@$#@!$@# W0O0O0O0O0O0T!". also Guthans will be worth more than dharoks as it was the only way to restore hp without consuming something. if memory serves full dharoks was 3.2mil around 2005-2007 and full guthans was 6-7mil (the spear alone was 5mil, i remember that because i got them a few times at barrows
). Veracs will be the best was to kill the KQ and she will actually be worth killing now as im sure the D chain is going to hold a huge price at first. Torags still doesnt have a great effect but the armor is usually the least costly so its good to pk with. Ahrims is the best magic armor period and Karils.... uhm... well karils was only good for pking at the time
@L0rd Kefka prefeur third-age mage tho
looks beautifull good stats
and i like starting over but it wil take lots of time to get runecrafing up again but i do it with a lot of fun cuz ZMI wont be there you know what i meen right with No ZMI
weej exited
ps reply
@BamLightning i sign up wensday to vote cuz than i get my paycheck but my game went to hell when ZMI came out and i quit because of it i love the old game and i loved making runes for pkers and other players even more but ZMI & GE took the honor out of being a lv 80+ Runecrafter you feel that 2 right
Cont. iron and steel dragons will be worth hunting again to get that sweet sweet d legs drop or even that draconic visage. Mith drags are also in the game being the ONLY way to get D full helms. of course these items will be luxuries (especially the d full) that none of us can afford at first but they will be something to strive for. hopefully we get the old pricing of items from that time too. Yew logs 300 ea, bow strings 160 ea, etc. dragon daggers that have super poison will show up as Dragon Dagger (S) and people will buy them like this "buying dds 60k" (yes they were 60k). dlongs 100k, d scims 120k, d mace 60k, dba 150k, d spear 300k, d hally 250k. the best part about this is once we hit level 60 attack some of the best weapons of the game will be usable and don't require millions to buy. I can't wait to get my first G Maul again, followed by my first obby maul, d scim, whip and so on. everyone should vote whether you like it or not, its not like EoC and you have to play it. 2007scape will just be there for you to check it out whenever you want to see a simpler time. I'll be waiting for you all in the golden age and i hope you come visit us EoC players i for one want to show you what the old runescape is first hand
With regard to starting over: I actually have more free time in college than I did in high school. So I don't understand how people will have less time to play now than they did years ago.