"I like how it's members-only, none of us long-since-gone veterans can vote. Are there even 750k members? Whilst I'd love to re-live the golden days, I do n** want to pay for membership for the modern version of the game - it's an insult to what it once was. An additional charge is a definite no-no. I'd happily play it were it free/cheaper than the main game."
"You would think Jagex would learn their lesson by now. Wouldn't they make more money and have a better customer service relationship, by making the whole retro-server thing be open to all members at no extra cost?
They would be able to keep their current player base, and bring back all the players that previously quit. They could have the best of both worlds. But instead, they're putting limitations on the accessibility based on voter turnout.
There's no way they're going to hit the 500K mark. If they do, FANTASTIC! But if they don't, then the retro-server will be dead in a few months."
Exactly my thoughts. The tiers are WAY too high. Do you have any idea how many players will play the first month for free and not play again because of an extra membership fee? You have the main server memberships, the SoF scam of buying spins money, Solomens general store scam for money, and now your trying to get even MORE money by luring players back into a private 2007 runescape server that you pay $15 a month for?
$15 a month for 2007, plus $5 a month for the main game, that's $20 a month JUST to play runescape. Are you guys really that pathetic? Do you realize that's $240 a year? Like I said, you are going to lose so many players with the membership costs. No one will pay $240 a year - $20 every single month - to play a video game. We are in a recession in REAL life, we're not multi millionaires like you.
17-Feb-2013 14:28:13