I'm just saying this, though no-one shall take notice of it:
Runescape has been screwed WAY too much before Jagex(and it's fail supporting companies) tried to do anything about it. Now, the vet's probably are playing WOW/LOL(wow...a skill bar!), and CBA to come back to such a horrendous game(even the 2007 version)
New people'll do the same, or play AWQ...
It's horrible to see such a game to fall SO far downhill, and only NOW are they implementing a "solution" to this. And what's this solution? ANOTHER MONEY-GRABBING ONE. Why not "everyone who was previously a member"? that makes perfect sense seeing that most vets don't want to pay just to start all over again. And the 500/750k goal. That...What is THAT? That's not possible, and a stretch goal? You call that a impossibility(providing you use statistics). But alas, what's been done has been done.
GG Jagex, you better not repeat the same mistakes again, because its hurt everyone, especially the vets which you're desperately trying to claw back with your greedy fingers.
Peace out
16-Feb-2013 13:40:31