I think we can gratify everyone this way: create a portal or a time machine. going into this time machine we were going to an Parallel universe , with old combat system, old combat level, old gear etc. in this Parallel universe would only have Edgeville, the wild and The Grand Exchange. maybe have this to in castle wars, clan wars and duel arena. so we dont slip.
This is no compromise at all. We the Old School Veterans who MADE YOU what you are/were have quit because of your crap ideas and changes like EOC. Keep it clean, keep it simple and not only will people stay but they will be more likely to recommend their friends to come play. EOC just over complicates the fighting aspect and is a royal pain in the butt. It sucks the fun out of it when you got to make 10 extra clicks to compensate for the various attack and defense styles.
This is why I quit and will NEVER come back until EOC is scraped!!! I was excited to see what seemed to be your finally waking up and saying OMG, We realized we screwed the pooch and are attempting to make it right. What good is bringing back an Old Version where everyone has to start all over again from the beginning??? It doesn't solve the monumental blunder you made by forcing EOC on everyone!
Is not fair that I payed for 6 years of membership,and stopped because the game was getting lame, and now Jagex will not let me vote for something I really like and would play. I think Jagex should let Vets VOTE!!
i love this update!, but it's not good to let vote members only... many people are gone and won't make their account member to voto voor 2007. and it's said that we have to pay 15 dollars iff we only want to play 2007 runescape instead of eoc. people wont come back with such a high price
Personally, I don't dislike the Evolution of Combat update, but I know there are SOO many who do, and I am very excited to see how this plays out. A HUGE thumbs-up to JaGex for taking what we say into account. These are definitely the types of updates I love to see. Thank you for listening to your players, JaGex!
OH! And to all you players saying "Oh why not this, why not this?", why can't you just be happy that they're listening to you? This is a great stride and it is more than you could possibly ask for, so be happy!
Thanks JaGex,
Trent the ****.
PS: Haha, whens the last time you've had this many people genuinely saying "YES YES YES!", in one of your "Discuss this here" threads?
13-Feb-2013 18:47:33
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13-Feb-2013 18:51:26