I don't see why some people are being big babies about this. . . Who cares if people want their '07 servers back? You heard the mods, it won't effect quality of the updates in the recent Runescape at all. . . The main reason some people are getting upset over '07 servers coming back, it seems, is that they aren't getting their way, and they're spoiled. Either that or they just want to see people angry.
I haven't read anything logical or calm and collected regarding why some people are upset about '07 servers (NOTE: I said SOME people, not all. . . ). If anyone explained to me in a calm, collected, logical way. . . I'd be happy, even if it were just one person. Seems like most people are whiney babies, so it'd be a nice change.
Please note, I'm a calm man, so though one may think this is me "whining" I'm really not. Just starting some conversation, and trying to understand some people.
On another note, I'd love to see a logical post about why someone WANTS '07 servers. I'd love that too!
15-Feb-2013 15:30:29