"Well I refuse to pay for a game and finance criminal activities like this one. If you really care about the members then you know what to do. The only thing you guys think and care about is making money, but even this you fail in. So let me do the mathematics for you Jagex.
You say we are going back to 2007 I was excited but when I read the whole article I had to laugh so hard. Jagex people are changing developing themselves we are not the 15 year old kid back in 2007. People getting older and getting more occupied you cannot expect someone to play the 2007 server from literally scratch. The real dedicated members really enjoy this game so Jagex think twice before you try to sell yourselfs like a cheap courtisane."
Finance criminal activities? You mean, making a profitable business? Yes, ridiculously criminal.
I see no issue in Jagex trying to make money from their game by doing this, at the end of the day, they're giving people most of what they want. Obviously they are doing it because it is commercially viable but that is also the reasoning behind all of their updates over the past decade. As long as they listen to their players and give the paying customers what they want, i see no issue in trying to make money.
Many people said on the previous topic they were willing to pay any amount for an old school server, jagex have obviously seen this and decided to charge $15. If i was going through the posts, i would too.
Playing the 2007 server from scratch will be better because if they just transferred accounts over from today, everyone would be level 120+(old combat) and wouldn't be fun at all.
We may not be 15 year olds anymore but there is still a lot of demand for an old server and that is why Jagex have decided to bring it back because they can probably see the business behind 30-50,000 players paying $5-15 a month.
15-Feb-2013 11:28:21