I love how everyone is blaming brad for not voting, hes just one stupid vote that wont make a difference let the souless guy live his last years in peace.
The only way you would pay $15 is if it only reaches 50k. I can understand a high price since they would have to spend money on servers for just a small amount of people. Plus I didn't no in a capitalistic society making money was a criminal act.
@jlang which makes the argument that everyone has quit runescape a bunch of bull, the player base changes, people quit for all kinds of reasons. YOu guy have been flaming the threads for years about this im certainly not gonna reward you by helping you get it cheaper.
that's true but then you have to think well, I earned this money so just for the sake of a new server why do I have to lose everything, They should make the bank like you would if you had members items in free to play, Not useable, That would make more sense wouldn't it? Stats I don't mind losing, I'd happily train them back the old school way.
OH NO, One less vote that is a whole number!!!
btw stay off the old servers we have no time for trolls who waste their time downing the future. GL w/ EOC hope you like pking by urself