Clearly you are the assanine crybaby. We respect that you care for your EoC, but to shaft us like that is uncool and selfish just cause you want us to pay loads of money to play what we want to play. Get real dude and grow up.
This is the old Jagex that I remember when I first played RuneScape in 2008. It is awesome, and I highly thank you for this. I know that some big YouTubers will play RuneScape again too!
people who dont vote are just stupid im sure you want pre eoc but how is that going to happen if you dont show jagex that eoc sucks? if we get 750k votes then they will see how many people hate the actual game at its current state. its a win win for both parties.
Jagex are asking the wrong question with this latest poll.
I love everything about the modern Runescape EXCEPT EOC.
If the poll was do you want Runescape as it is WITHOUT EOC then this would give a better reflection of how people feel. I don't want to go back to the old style graphics, lose all the modern gear and modern bosses etc.
Initially when EOC was released we where assured that we could play "old style combat" if we so wished by activating Momentum and did not have to adopt the new EOC combat system. This turned out to be untrue as you cannot truly fight the Kalphite King without abilitys due to the Green phase. It was also virtually impossible using only Momentum on the last Tzhaar Quest.
I will be voting regardless a "Yes" as I am sure there are lots of players who will come back or play on the old system. My only fears are this will fragment the game playing community even more than it already is. The "Golden Age" of Runescape could also be the Gower Brothers running the show and they won't be coming back either.
This is basically my feelings on the subject and hopefully as a long serving Comp Caper does have the right to air my thoughts without flaming !!